While the world is focused on fighting the COVID-19 pandemic there is a silent epidemic engulfing lives,I am here referring to TOBACCO. Till date tobacco remains the largest preventable cause of death and disability plaguing the world. The major health effects of tobacco include cancer.According to WHO India is home to 12% of world’s smokers. This manmade epidemic is more dangerous causing more mortalities than HIV/TB/MALARIA put together.1 And can u guess how much an average Indian spends on tobacco?? It is 1192/- per month, well this is less than money spent by women on shopping per month(2500/-)!! Well why do u think people smoke…? Nicotine is the active ingredient in tobacco which gives a ‘high’ to the brain, it can give you a sense of well being by increasing dopamine levels in the body. The actions of nicotine are very quick making you inhale puff after puff to sustain the feeling of goodness. 2 Can you think of any activitiy in our daily routine which can bring about this surge in dopamine thereby giving us this sense of pleasure? Its simple , just sleep,doze off when you can,relax, exercise listen to your favorite numbers to get knocked off into yourfavorite world without killing yourself. A simple walk can increase your dopamine levels…but don’t forget to wear your mask! Though the government is benevolent in implementing ideas such as printing gory pictures on cigarette packets forcing smokers to quit the other side of the coin is tobacco alone generates a revenue of 348 billion for Indian government. 2 Government of India has implemented certain policies such as ban on sale of tobacco products within 100 yards of educational institutions, printing of statutory warnings on panmasala packets and cigarette cartons,ban on advertising tobacco products, and National tobacco control programs piloted by the Government of India in 2007-2008.3 WE OFFER TO HELP Currently at SBVU has a tobacco cessation counseling centre helping tobacco users to quit the habit along with providing nicotine replacement therapy. As Mahatma Gandhi said “Be the change you want to see” its within us to make up our mind to quit the habit and make way for generation free of tobacco. SOME SIMPLE TIPS TO QUIT 1. Divert yourself – indulge yourselves in hobbies, sports, games, arts 2. Avoid triggers – do not be in company who pull you back in 3. Engage in physical activities,yoga or meditation 4. Ask for help – have a help line 5. Try nicotine replacement therapy – be aware of these products 6. Remind yourself of the benefits And last but not the least 7. Remember always - Your family wants you References: 1.Mishra G. An overview of the tobacco problem in India.Indian Journal of Medical and Paediatric Oncology.2012;33(3):139-145. 2.Balfour DJK. The role of mesoaccumbens dopamine in nicotine dependence.Curr Top Behav Neurosci.2015;24:55-98. 3. J Kaur,Jain DC.Tobacco control policies in India.Implementation and challenges.Indian J Public Health. 2011;55(3):220-7.